NARS Commission Change | New Guidance for Buyers | 941homesbyjess | Home Buying Process Changes | Real Estate Best Practices

New Guidance for Buyer Agreements: Navigating Upcoming Practice Changes

NARS Commission Change | New Guidance for Buyers | 941homesbyjess | Home Buying Process Changes | Real Estate Best Practices

In a changing real estate landscape, staying updated on regulations is crucial for professionalism and smooth transactions. The National Association of Realtors® (NAR) has developed a new guide on written buyer agreements. This guide helps members prepare for upcoming practice changes after NAR’s recent settlement agreement.

Understanding the New Guidance for Buyer Agreements

Starting August 17, 2024, buyer representatives must enter written agreements before touring homes. This applies to in-person and virtual tours. The change ensures transparency and clarity in buyer-representative relationships. Both parties will understand their commitments and expectations from the beginning.

Home Buying Process Changes | Why the Change?

The new requirement stems from NAR’s settlement agreement, emphasizing formalized buyer-representative relationships. Agreements before tours promote accountability and trust. This change aligns with industry trends in consumer protection and professional integrity.

Key Components of the Guide

NAR’s new guide on written buyer agreements is a valuable resource that outlines the key elements of these agreements, providing templates and best practices for real estate professionals. Here’s what you can expect to find in the guide:

– Detailed Templates: Ready-to-use templates that can be customized to fit specific client needs and situations.
– Best Practices: Insights and tips on how to effectively communicate the terms of the agreement to buyers.
– Compliance Checklist: A comprehensive checklist to ensure that all legal and procedural aspects are covered before finalizing the agreement.
– FAQs: Answers to common questions about the new requirements and how to implement them smoothly.

How to Access the Guide

To support members in adapting to these changes, NAR has made the guide easily accessible. You can download it directly from This resource is designed to be user-friendly and practical, providing all the tools you need to comply with the new requirements and enhance your professional practice.

Preparing for August 17

As the August 17 deadline approaches, it’s important for all buyer representatives to familiarize themselves with the new requirements and the contents of the guide. Here are some steps to help you get ready:

1. Download and Review the Guide: Make sure to read through the guide thoroughly to understand all the new requirements and recommendations.
2. Update Your Procedures: Incorporate the new agreement templates and compliance checklists into your standard operating procedures.
3. Educate Your Team: If you work as part of a team, ensure that everyone is aware of the new requirements and understands how to implement them.
4. Communicate with Clients: Begin informing your clients about the upcoming changes and what they can expect during the home touring process.


The introduction of mandatory written buyer agreements marks a significant shift in real estate practices, aimed at enhancing transparency and trust in the home-buying process. NAR’s new guide is an indispensable tool to help you navigate these changes smoothly. By embracing these new requirements, you can ensure a higher standard of service for your clients and uphold the professional integrity of the real estate industry.

For more information about the new guidance for buyer agreements and to access the guide, visit

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